Sunday, June 24, 2007

pictures of me in penang

i was suppose to write down everything about my trip to penang.unfortunately,right after we came back,my whole family is down with fever,cough and flu(as usual...once u get fever ,you'll get the cough and flu).so from my dad to my bro then to me and so on...stuck in bed and no mood to do anything i decided not to write anything for the time being.
now everyone's ok but i'm still coughing.i tol the doctor when i when for my check up and then only i realise i got no antibodies!!oh dear...the doctor ban me from school till i get back my antibodies.after two weeks of not going to school(extra 2 weeks of holidays for me hehehe.)i'm finally goin back.wooohooo!!!

anyway here's some of the pictures i took in penang...lazy to write evrything down already

there is a story behind these 3 pics-1st pic: my cousins fara and jaden fighting
over a car
-2nd pic: jaden slap fara
-3rd pic: fara crying and my aunty scolding
jaden in the background.....poor fara
kena buli.

me snorkling at Pulau Payar...fishes were so ticklish...ewww

P.S-internet connection bad...i'll post more pictures another day

1 comment:

Yung Yew said...

hmm.. penang's climate seems not suitable wif wat we haf in selangor.. its usual.. when we go to other places which its surrounding not familiar wif usual 1 in selangor.. then we might get sick easily.. i went China last time when i was very young and whole family fever too...

same as the case tat happen to 1 of a transferred student from Johor to our skul.. she get sick so easily and come to school alternate days.. sometimes wil absent for a whole week.. becoz she keep getting sick.. and then she can't take it and went bak to johor..

ur 2 cousins are so cute haha..
jaden quite naughty ah... slap gal..
fara so cute when she lying on ur lap.. haha.. so cutee~~